In South Africa if you want to live longer you need to stay away from toxic relationship- our country has turned onto something else the rate of killing women increases day by day and our government doesn’t care about it.

Some people defend men because they’re man too which is total wrong. A men can impregnate a woman denied the pregnancy but we never heard that woman killed her boyfriend after he impregnated her and denied a pregnancy. So it really shows that women are the strongest people in the world if a man tells her that let’s end our relationship now she would never thinks of killing because she has a heart of gold unlike men.

How many women were left with pregnant in South Africa, if you could go back asks elderly people how come they raise their children alone you won’t even stand for it women go through alot it’s just that they don’t have power to kill like men.

Honestly the men of our country control by evil spirit you cannot woke up and think about killing someone child if your mind is working properly. If you think she cheated on you why don’t you leave her and find someone who would never cheat on you.

Most of the women who cheat lead by their partners behavior no women would cheat without reason and another thing when men cheat people think is good for them forgetting that we all have blood because we’re a human being. We all have hearts that pumps blood.

Our fellow south African let’s fight this stigma of killing women and children so that our country could change onto a better world . If you feel like the relationship is not going well leave that relationship for good for the sake of your lives. We all know that no body is perfect in this earth.