Action speaksAfricaAin't that much but it helpsBare in mindBlank paper and pen.Cruel worldDear absent fatherDear departed fatherDear fanzDear GodDear husbandDear lordDear lordDear my loveDear readers/writers and Fundza teamDear sonDear Tata MadibaDeath doesn't have a shame.Do you know how painful it is?Don't wait for them to dieElectionsEveryday it's SummerGambling ain't good at allHear our prayersHer story inspired meHold me tightHow I end up being single momHow I lost my lifeHurtI am buried inside the bookI blame my momI curse the day I met youI don'tI thought it was loveI wishI'm alive.IfImaginationIn the name of loveIt became historyIt is well with my soulJustice for all women and children .Long time ago there's a Rabbit and impalaLove hurtMe and youMemoriesMy last hopeMy own medicineMy wishNightmareNo peace in SA.Only ifOnly ifOur creatorOur skinPraise the lordPut this in mindRainRealityRemember meRoad tripShe criedSometimesSufferingTake it easyTerrible dreamThe month of loveThoughtsTo my fansUnbelievableUse your mindWhat should I cry for?What was that for?WhenWhen I dieWho's she?Why notYearYear of sorrow.