The answer is found in the simple, yet profound, statment by the Vietnamese monk, Thich Naht Hahn: “The path is the goal.” In other words, finding your path in life is your goal in life. Your path is not your profession, how much money you make, your title, or your successes and failures. This is a direct verbatim from the book Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki.

That one paragraph changed my mindset in one sitting. Why should my goal in life be determined by what I achive. Congradulations you are now your profession, that is if you went to tertiary education. I recently read somewhere that we go through all the pressures. The pressure to do it all, have it all and be it all. You start building that pressure when you become infuenced by the way the rich live, by what you see in mainstream media, by what influencers deem is accepable at a current age. I can not tell you the answer to what finding your path is but I can share with you my experiences thus far. Current time; age 22.

Every child has that phase where they think about what they want to become when they grow up. I definatly didn’t until I got to grade nine and they told us we had to pick subjects that could determine your future, although I had started writing when I was in grade six I did not take it as a career choice. So my subject choice was Tourism, Life science, History and a forth Religion studies. I made no sense and complete sense at the same time. To me they were the subjects that stood out the most. Then when I had to start appying for UNI only then did this career choice become serious, what did iI want to become…

It started with law, the phlebatonomy, then flight attendent, and before I knew it I was taken to career guidence and I ended up with journalist. And yes that is what I am currently studying. I did doubt it at first and thought about creative arts but then, looked at the career prospects of thatt and stayed with journalism. My parents had given me freedom of decision making in what i wanted to become throughout all that i still remained a writer. Could that be my path, sharing my words with others? I guess we will never know until…

The thing is we all have choices to make and some of what I had said might not make sense but what you take out of it should. The path is the goal, we don’t have everything figured out from the get go and tha’s okay. From now on my goal is to walk in the path of the unknown becuase it truly is just that.

Unless I am compleatly wrong and all this is just a lie. What do you think?