Afrikan indigenous spirituality is a repository of all cultures and traditions in an Afrikan context.According to Afrikan Indigenous Spirituality the spirit realm is heavily involved in the daily operations of the physical realm

What is AFRIKAN INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY and how does the spirit realm influythe physical Dimension?

African indigenous spirituality is the understanding that Spirituality comes from the spirit dimension,it is the recognition of the significance of spiritual matters in the Afrikan indigenous context,and it is the acknowledgement that the person is the first spirit before they are flesh, furthermore,it is the comprehension that other spirits exist,for instance:The Creator,Afrikan indigenous deities, our spirit guides, our ancestors and other human spiris.

The understanding that the beings in the spirit realm are better- knowing than those in the physical realm. It is therefore from this basis which Africans since Pre – historic times have submitted to the guidance of the spirit realm through a designated Afrikan Indigenous Spiritual Guider.

Afrikan Indigenous Spirituality also dectates that not all spirits are good spirits,this means that Afrikas acknowledge and understand that there are ancestors who died having lived a righteous life and that come forward righteous to guide them;It is also the recognition that there are ancestors who died having lived an immoral life,and will come forward in a manner in they were when they lived but with an option of being cleansed by an authentic Afrikan Indigenous Spiritual Guider.