There once was an old lady who had a beautiful family and beautiful house and had everything. When we say a person is lucky, we talk about her. She had 3 daughters and 3 boys and all were grown and had their own kids and had husbands and wives who passed on, except for one daughter, Lindiwe, who was the last born in the family who didn’t have a husband or child . They were rich and life was milk and honey for the Ngcobo family.
But of course, everything must come to an end where we leave everything we worked hard for on this earth and end up in the graveyard and be part of the dead but for this family, the end wasn’t so nice at all. But every action has its consequences. Hai, let me spill the tea before it gets cold.
It was a beautiful Saturday in the Ngcobo family. MaNgcobo, the old lady, was living in the same house with all her kids and grandchildren because eversince her late husband left her, she didn’t want to be alone so her kids agreed to stay with her. It was a huge yard with separate houses for each of her children. She was a blessed woman indeed. Grandchildren were running around playing, her daughters were preparing a meal for the day, her sons were doing outdoor chores: gardening, trimming the grass etc, It was a lovely day.
MaNgcobo woke up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She was in a happy mood and singing a happy song, “oohh happy dayyy, oohh happy dayyy…”.
When she was done bathing, she chose her outfit, a beautiful yellow dress with colorful flowers, a white doek with yellow dots, cream white heels, yes a granny wearing heels and she rocked them like a youngster. Then she wore round gold earrings, those ones that look like a hoolahoop but they weren’t that big though but she looked good and finally she showered herself with her expensive cologne and was ready to go. She walked out of her room and on her way she bumped into her last born daughter, Lindiwe.
“Haibo ma, where are you going looking so good? Mmh, and you smell nice too.”, said Lindiwe.
“I am going to get you a father, iblessa”, they both laughed.
“I’m kidding, I’m going out to meet the ladies. Maybe I should take you with me so we can find you a husband”, said MaNgcobo.
Lindiwe blushed, “Ma, I’ll get a husband soon don’t worry”.
She kissed her mom on the cheek and left. Lindiwe went to join her sisters in the kitchen. She had suspicions about her mother always going out every Saturday, dressed well and coming back late. She didn’t have the nerve to ask her about it and besides, everytime she asks questions, her mother would always bring up the “husband and kids” topic. Lindiwe doesn’t like that topic and little does everyone know that Lindiwe once got heartbroken by a guy whom she was in a relationship with for 5 years, only to find out that he was married with 6 kids and he also lied about his age, because he got a surgery to look younger and poor Lindiwe didn’t suspect anything. Good thing she didn’t introduce him to her family because her sister would’ve laughed at her. Yah, that’s Lulama, the second born daughter. She can be childish sometimes.
Either way, Lindiwe joined her sisters in the kitchen. She sat down and helped Langa, the first born daughter, to peal potatoes and carrots. Lindiwe was deep in her thoughts, wonderering about her mother. She didn’t even take interest in Lulama’s gossip about the neighbors.
Langa called Lindiwe, “Sis, are you ohk? You seem troubled”.
” I’m fine sis, I’m just wondering nje. Have you guys noticed that mom keeps going out every Saturday and returns late?”, said Lindiwe
“Haibo, uMa is an adult and she can do as she pleases and this is her house, so she can return anytime”, said Lulama.
“I know but isn’t it suspicious though, I mean she doesn’t even postpone not even for a single week”, said Lindiwe.
“But she always comes back safe and sound and she’s always with her friends so I’m not bothered at all and you shouldn’t be bothered either, she’s a grown woman capable of taking care of herself so don’t worry.”, said Langa.
“Or you wanna join her and find a husband too”, Lulama laughed.
“Shut up, I can get a man anytime I want, I’m just not rushing but for now I’m focused on mom cause I think something is going on”, said Lindiwe.
Lulama laughed, “yoh wena, you always think something is going on. Even when dad died, you claimed that you have seen his ghost and talked to him and you said he told you to leave the house when you grow up but you are still here, so why didn’t you leave cause you are a grown woman now and you are working…”.
Langa interrupted her,”Hai, leave her. This is till her home too and mom wants us all here so leave her alone”.
Lindiwe replied, “but I didn’t lie about dad, he really did tell me to leave the house when I grow up and he also told me that mom will insist that I stay but I don’t remember the reason because mom woke me up before he could tell me the reason”.
Lulama asked, “Lindiwe, do you blame mom for dad’s death? Because everything you are saying is directed towards uMa. Are you blaming her?”.
Langa intervened, “guys stop, mom did nothing. She was very hurt when dad died and she took months locking herself in her room. And you Lindiwe, I donno what dad told you or if you even telling the truth but mom did nothing and she’s just enjoying going out again. We shouldn’t worry ourselves, as long as she brings money home and she’s safe”.
Lulama and Lindiwe were surprised by Langa’s statement. “Haibo, she brings money home, njani cause mom no longer works!”, said Lindiwe.
“Yah, we are the ones bringing money in this house and mom told us that she won’t work anymore after dad died, or do you know something big sister because you spend more time with mom, maybe she told you something” said Lulama.
“Hai guys, leave me. All I know is mom is ohk and she’s not hiding anything”.
Lindiwe went outside to dispose the potato peals. Then she saw her brother, Muzi, peeping through the kitchen window as if he was listening to the sisters talking. “Hhei, what are you doing there? Were you listening at our conversation? I am going to tell them”.
Muzi stopped Lindiwe, “Sis wait wait wait, let me explain. I was placing the flower pots outside when I heard your conversation with our sisters. I believe you because I had a dream about dad too”.
“Haibo, what did you dream?”, asked Lindiwe.
“Baba visited me in my dreams when we were visiting grandma after dad died. The day before we returned home, dad came and told me to not go home and refuse even if they force me. I’m telling you Lindiwe, he was even crying and he said something about not wanting us to join him too early”, said Muzi.
Lindiwe replied, ” ohh that’s why you were found in the forest that day?”
“Yes and I didn’t tell anyone because I saw how they responded to your dream so I kept my dream a secret. But everything seems fine here at home so I don’t think I should leave anymore”, said Muzi.
“Honestly these dreams confuse me but let’s hope it was all just a dream caused by grieving and we were young at that time”, said Lindiwe.
“Yah, let me go finish my chores”, Muzi left.
Lindiwe disposed the peals in the bin and went to wash her hands in a bowl full of water just outside the house. In the water, her father’s face appeared. She was shocked and moved back. “Haibo, I’m seeing baba again”. She looked into the water again. And there he was, looking very angry. He shouted and said, “Lindiwe, why are you not listening to me. I SAID GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE NOW”. Lindiwe screamed and fell down. She was struggling to breathe. Her sisters and brothers rushed to her. By the time they arrived she was no longer breathing. Mondli, the other brother, took out his phone to contact the ambulance but Langa grabbed his phone and told him that this is a minor matter which can be dealt with. The 3 brothers, Muzi, Mondli and Mandla carried Lindiwe in the house and put her on the couch. Langa went to the kitchen to fetch water but she took longer. She was busy adding a black powder in the water. Because of her siblings freaking out about Lindiwe fainting, she lost count of how many spoons of black powder should be poured in the water. She was supposed to pour 3 tablespoons but she poured 5.
Langa whispered, “eish, how many tablespoons did I add? Ohh this is bad, I should pour another glass of water and add the correct amount of the black powder”.
Mondli screamed, “hurry up Langa or do you need help?”
Langa panicked and just took that glass of water with high dose of the black powder and went to give it to Lindiwe. She tried to open Lindiwe’s mouth but it wouldn’t open as if her lips were glued together.
“Stop playing Langa, Sis will die. Hurry up and make her drink the water”, said Mondli.
Langa tried but Lindiwe’s lips wouldn’t open. Meanwhile, Muzi was just standing still like a robot, looking behind Langa.
Mandla shouted, ” give us a hand Muzi and stop daydreaming “.
Muzi didn’t respond because he was looking at his father’s ghost holding Lindiwe’s lips sealed. Then he slowly raised his hand and pointed behind Langa and slowly said, “Baba!”. Langa panicked and dropped the glass of water on the floor. Everyone went silent and looked at Muzi and looked at where he was pointing but they didn’t see anything, only the photo of their late father hanging on the wall. So obviously they didn’t take him seriously and they avoided him. Lulama rushed to the kitchen to get another glass of water and splashed the water on Lindiwe’s face. And she quickly woke up and drank the remaining water. After drinking the water, she just stared at her brother Muzi and they bother nodded which was a sign to say that they saw their father but they didn’t want to say anything.
Mandla asked Lindiwe, “what happened sister?”.
Lindiwe couldn’t tell his brother the truth so she just said, “I saw a lizard “.
Lulama laughed. Mandla responded, “seriously, a lizard, A FREAKING LIZARD! All that drama because of a lizard”.
“It wasn’t drama bhuti, I am scared of lizards”. Mandla clicked his tongue and went to his room to take a shower.
Lulama laughed, “you seriously need to grow up sis”. They all left but Muzi and Lindiwe remained, still looking shocked. Muzi asked, “sister, what the hell is going on”
To be continued …