1 Conorinthians 13:1-3ESV

[1]Of I speak in tongues of mens and of angels ,but have not love ,I am noisy and gong clanging cymbal.[2] And if I have prophecit powers and understand all mysterious and knowledge ,and if I have all faith ,so as to remove mountains ,but have not love I am nothing [3] If I have giveway all I have ,and if I have deliver up to my body to be burned but have not love ,I gain nothing.

Love without action is dead, imagine the following scenario instead . Perhaps you have a friend ,and everytime you try to make time to spend with your friend ,they make excuses ,even when you see they’re making stupid excuses . Eventually you’d ask them if they didn’t want to spend time imagine if your friend says that he/she can’t find space in his/ her schedule.Perhaps this cycle repeats itself multiple times you’d invetivbly come to the conclusion that your friend doesn’t really love you ,nor he/ she wants to spend time with you . Unfortunately,this what many people today ,they say that they love God with their mouthes but their actions never show it .it is important for us to remember that did not end at staying ,He has loved us with everlasting love but He gave his one and only son to die for our sins in the cross of Calvary ,He didn’t merely said that He loved us ,but his actions were there to support the declaration of his love to us .Now consider yourself ,Are you a person who plans to pray/ read the Bible or spend time with God ,but when it comes something more ‘important ‘just happens to come up ? If you find this true about yourself ,what do you think you can do about it ?Think of these today ,but don’t forget that God is always ready to receive you with open arms just like the father recieved the prodigal son . Despite your sinful actions,He will receive and accept right back because he rejected you in the first place

Have a blessed day ❤️