Our youth is going through a lot. They are being called lazy people. I wish parents could support their business ideas the way they encourage them to send CVs. The sad part is that our have been put to trash so many times. How long are we going to send CVs? I mean, we can send them but companies cannot hire us all. The same thing that applies to universities and colleges.
Another thing is our education system. When you’re coming from a community with a poor background it’s not easy for you to make it in life. Learning new things feels like a distant dream. Most of the schools here in rural settlements train their students only to be employees, while in the urban settlements are being trained to be entrepreneurs.
You can argue with me but deep down you know I’m telling the truth. It’s about time our parents stop blaming government, and train us to be independent at a young age. We need to raise young leaders, and stop complaining all the time.