A very long time ago, when the world was ruled by vicious kings and when sons inherited the vocations of their fathers, there was a boy whose father and father’s father were the royal poets. One day, his father died, leaving him with his three sisters, Least Favorite, Favorite and Most Favorite.
“Bring me the poet’s son” the King commanded. “Like your father and his father before him, recite a poem for your King”.
A loud voice shouted into the boy’s ears and overwhelmed him. He covered his ears and screamed like a madman.
The King was enraged. “Kill his Least Favorite sister and throw him to the darkest of the dungeons!” They beheaded his Least Favorite sister and in the dungeons, he went.
Many moons passed. “Bring me the poet’s son” the King commanded. “Like your father and his father before him, recite a poem for your King”
Once again, a loud voice shouted into his ears. He covered them and screamed like a madman.
“Kill his Favorite sister and throw him to the darkest of the dungeons!” They beheaded his Favorite sister and in the dungeons, he went.
Many moons passed. “Bring me the poet’s son” the King commanded. “Like your father and his father before him, recite a poem for your King”
As before, the loud voice shouted into his ears. He covered them and screamed like a madman.
“Kill his Most Favorite sister and throw him to the darkest of the dungeons!” They beheaded his Most Favorite sister and in the dungeons, he went.
Many moons passed. “Bring me the poet’s son” the King commanded. “Like your father and his father before him, recite a poem for your King”
As always, the loud voice shouted into his ears but this time, he did not cover his ears. He did not scream like a madman. He listened. The voice started making sense. It told him to compliment the King. To liken his heart to that of a lion. To liken his courage to the cedar of Lebanon.
When he was finished praising the King in verse, there was a great feast for he made the King joyful. He was rewarded with honey, wine, women and all the gold his heart can ever desire.