What does beauty really look like? Does it have to be a girl whose face is full of makeup, all skin bleached because she herself is not doing it for herself but society?
If that’s what beauty means, then what does it mean for the natural, bold, and fearless?
Don’t just wear makeup just to please others, do it for yourself, be yourself!
Be able to express yourself the way you want to because you feel you can because the world or your background cannot define who you are because you are:
And undeniably beautiful inside out.
Don’t doubt yourself cause you are here to conquer, to change the world into a better place.
Block all the negative voices your ear receives but be able to tell yourself exactly what you are which is an inspiration to all the other girls and women out there.
Be proud of yourself, of the person you’ve become because you are a great example of unmistakably, beautiful.