You know I was a girl who always concentrated on her studies with no temptations , I still am by the way . Have you ever been in love?

Have you ever ignored the bad in someone just because you want to keep them in your life ?

That one person who enters your life and hurts real bad when they leave is definitely your soulmate , your ride or die , the person who always wipes your tears and tells you it will be alright. Making you work harder and making you go through the day.

Have you ever thought the only reason you are living is because of someone?

Have you ever loved someone until you cry ?

It is love but crying is part of the process, love is a hypocrite, love hurts , love cripples you up but love is warm it is best falling in love.

Have you ever prayed for someone more than you pray for yourself?

Have you ever tried to look your best in front of your crush?

Have you ever dreamt all worlds pleasures with them?

The thing that hurts the most is that you are scared of telling them, scared of judgment and rejection, scared of how the person will look at you tomorrow.

Scared if He Or She will tell a friend and they will tell a friend. Please release your feelings in every way you can because the person is gonna leave and you are gonna hold yourself accountable , I think I said enough , I think I confessed enough to the person ,I love somebody but those three words are golden , they are so golden that when you blurt them out there is no going back but boy where ever you are right know just know that this is for you , it’s you, it has always been you and will be always be you.Yo Rhulani