– a sadder piece .

Apologies to those who’ve rooted for me . apologies to those who believed in me, apologies to those who barely know me and assume the best about me .

I’m sorry .

I sincerely apologize for not being good enough, for being the opposite or rather a disappointment to the version of me you had in your mind, I’m sorry.

I’m pretentious, for all the right reasons I ensure, but I do however feel like the weight is too much for me, forgive me, for I’m not who you thought I am .

I’m human, with uncountable mistakes one could highly believe are made on purpose but believe me, I’m sorry .

I’m human, with attachment issues, I barely trust another, but please believe me when I say it’s not on purpose

I’m human, and my defence mechanism is running away, “prevention is better than cure” they say, sorry if I failed you .

I believe in words, in words I believe I find a hiding place, a place to call home, but due to my trust issues, I barely tell no one anyone anything, I’m sorry .

But however I am drowning, singing sadder songs and staying up till late, gasping for air and screaming, can nobody come save ‘cause i’m tired.

sorry .

© Ntandoyenkosi Sejanamane


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