When was the last time you sat down and looked back at where you’ve come from. I think we’re too consumed with working that we end up forgetting to thank and appreciate ourselves.

I’m talking to those people who wake up and go to work even when they don’t feel like it. Those kids that go the extra mile for their families/siblings. Those parents who try their best for their kids, this includes single mother’s, single father’s or guardians. That student who keeps on repeating grades but not giving up on themselves, that person who’s haunted by suicide thoughts but they still try to fight through, those people who overwork themselves cause they want a bright and better future. The kind souls who spread love and kindness even to those who don’t deserve it. Those who are surviving the life of living according to other people’s opinions. Those who are surving the judgements of society, from body shaming, not being enough, being poor, etc, Those who keep on pushing even when they feel like giving up. It could literally be anything.

I want you to appreciate yourself for every milestone you’ve achieved. Celebrate your wins, doesn’t matter how small or big you think they are. Clap for yourself regardless of what anyone else thinks. Appreciate your small wins.

You might think you’re not doing good enough but just take a step back and look at everything you’ve accomplished over the years,doesn’t matter what it is. Progress is progress and achievement is still an achievement doesn’t matter how small it may seem.

I can guarantee and assure you that nobody is perfect but everybody is beautiful in their own way. Look at yourself in the mirror and compliment yourself, don’t hesitate or wait for somebody else to do it. Don’t doubt yourself. The Iconic Thuso Mbedu once said, “Zithande, uzincome, uzithembe because you’re worth it” which means ” love yourself, compliment yourself and believe in yourself… This is just a small reminder, that you’re worth every beautiful thing that comes your way.

I just want to remind you that what you think of yourself is alot more important than what other people think of you.

Treat and talk to yourself nicely. Give yourself the love you give others. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to somebody else if they were going through what you’re going through. Let’s replace every negativity with positivity. Remember that it’s okay to take brakes when it gets too heavy. Resting is important, you can rest to regain the strength to keep going. Also, don’t forget to never give up on your dreams❤️

This is just a few of my survival guides whenever I’m facing difficult times, I thought I should share- hoping it might also help somebody else. Thank you for reading till the end❤️ I hope you enjoyed it. Kindly feel free to comment if these words have done any impact…

You can also check out my other short stories:

1. Every moment is your moment, by Mandisa Sisanda Mthembu

2. You can achieve anything you put your mind to, by Mandisa Mthembu

3. Adopted, by Mandisa Mthembu