This is the intro of SASSA MOVIE

*********Movie Drums beating**********

It was during 1976 and all schools taught a language called DESIREE. The elderly can tell the tale، the veteran military fought so everyone can speak a language they can understand. Children were left fatherless or orphans during those wars, some left disabled, some were just the future youth.

(Summary: Elderly grant, Military veterans, orphans, disability, foreigners, THE YOUTH that heard got paid, the children younger than 18 still at school got paid too.)


Life is like Milking A Goat stand:-

There was President Buoy (Trevor Noah) who loved working outdoors on infrastructure and all things that need to be constructed or maintained. 

She went to school and met a woman inspired by education Abongile (Simmy), a teacher who was going to teach.

“Iqala phi into yobalisa lentsusa?”

“Ndicinga iqala esikolweni”

“Eyokufunda isicatshulwa esi yona?”

” Ndicinga iqala esikolweni”

“Ngoko ke u Abongile ndicinga uthetha yedwa”

Apparently people thought we needed money so Vusiwe (Thando Thabethe) came the following semester and became Buoy’s roommate. She was an accountant. NSFAS became our money to be there out of the blew, we heard of NSFAS. I hated having a nickname Siwe then so I said I was Buoy because her nickname was Siwe too, we were thee bestest of friends. Construction was said to have it’s own money so President Buoy was independent.

“Leyoba uzobala isukaphi”

“Tshini uAbongile seleqatsele?”

Then the next semester Siya (Thuli Pongolo) who loved cooking, a professional chef. Who learned recipes, more on canned foods, more on storage, more on wines, hospitality, etc.

“Nilambile eziswini na xeningeva esisicatshulwa siqala kutitshala, kwaleyokwazi usifunda nalo ebesibhala ingathi akanatyala isikakhulu xengengo Abongile”

Buoy wanted to marry ‘a SIYA’, someone who loves cooking to complete her life.

Then on her last semester Buoy stayed in #Tourism_manager students room named Lindelwa’s (Sho Majozi) and she was doing practical in managing tourism, trespassing, safe zones etc. Hoping for NSFAS for touring.

“Leyoba iindawo ziyabukwa ndicinga isuka kumnikazi wayo”

“Kukho iindawo zakulo Abongile?”

“Mmmh hazba zikhona na iindawo zakulo Abongile?”

Buoy became a university lecturer, lecturing construction. Then she thought to tour with her spouse. They had a big farm.

“xesifundile (education), nge Mali (accounting), sitye (hospitality), sizule (tourism), sizokwakha (construction)?”

“Yinton ebangela iindawo zakhiwe, ingaba zezesikolo na?”

Xesinezindlu (Houses), singafunda (education), ngemali (accounting), sisitya (hospitality), sizozula (tourism)


TV advert: Do you earn between R300- R400.00

We sell houses 🏠 you only pay R200 per month for 7 years for a house worth R9k-12k.

The American wooden Wendy flats are affordable and neat. 

You and your spouse’s combined R740.00. can pay for your house and meals including funeral cover.

Contact us if you are looking for the house of your dreams.


Male R370.00 + Female R370.00= R740.00


A Siya fell inlove with A Buoy. They both had money code 0.37 (R370.00). Then the guy sent R90.00 ( 9 months🤰🏻) to his girlfriend, Siya and her money dropped to code 0.00 (R0.00.)

Biologically, she fell pregnant. It was sad but she didn’t quit the fixed her money in few months. She gymed to regain her beauty.

So Mathematically, the girl only had that code 0.46, a child and lost her money. She was sad. She was just female with no code 0.37 but with a child.


TV advert: Do you earn between R300-400.00 at Clienta you are also human.

With as little as R30 (10% for each salary) you can have an affordable funeral cover. You can cover yourself incase something happens to you or your loved ones.

The amount can pay for the casket, the tent and food.

Get a quote from us now.


Female + R460.00+….= R460.00+….


 She got more advice that if she adds the R90.00s 🤰🏻 from the guy she can get more children that is more 0.46s +…👩‍👧‍👦.  

In total she made money worth = R2900.00 per month so much equivalent to a Grandma grant…..a code 2.9.

She saved R90 for each child and remained with code 0.37 unknown. So that her children can catch up on what’s new when they turn 18.

Young MA’s song- Ouw was playing at the background


I like em all

I could never loss what you thought


them 90’s man


🎶🎵 EAT🎶🎵


Lauren Lake was the teacher in 1976، Partenity. The school was her property she was carrying or looking after children like a Nanny or a House wife. 

It was a school?

It was a house?

She couldn’t remember but all women were helping her find her damaged property.


 Lauren Lake: I am not sure the 0.46 children are mine because the 0.37 father is never there.

(Partenity Court: Are you The Father/ Not The Father)

Judy : Why are you concerned about the 0.37 father? The question is on the property who tried to damage your car and furniture. 

Lauren Lake: it’s about my property, like the TV advert at Clienta, the insurance of the property?

Judy : Who damaged your property get those R90.00 were you also born in 1990? Just after Mandela got out. Get them R90.00s.

(Property Court: Judy was more like Janine van Wyk worried about her property and belongings.)

Lauren Lake: Who is the father of the child? The father or not the Father? Am I the mother? Why?

Judy: Are you guilty for damaging the property? Mine all mine. Don’t destroy it it’s all mine.

…………………………The End………………………….

NB: every character looks like the celebrity next to them, if I made a movie they would be the perfect candidates to act it. Unfortunately education is education it is a producers choice. A true author would describe features of a character but this is A FACEBOOK STORY SO I MADE IMAGES. President Buoy looked like Trevor Noah but she was also a female to complete the puzzle :-).

***Lesson: A man’s money remained the same it didn’t change through it all, A soldier/ father/ warrior but his love is evolving and unshaken. Until he can’t get up on his own***