Poverty has turned people against each other, selfishness can be freshly smelled in the air. There’s no difference between people and animals. Nowadays people make it easy to kill one another just for money.

Who knew that there would be people who would be joining insurances just for selfish investments? It’s very disappointing to hear the news of the people we trust most and rely on selling their family members just for money. Police; pastors; family members are the last people expected to do such things but nowadays they are the ones leading.

Who to trust? Only God knows. I am very very disappointed, if I had God’s powers I would be taking away all the sinners in order to protect my naive people.

It is even hard to get married nowadays people believe in benefits. When you propose they delay things just to get enough time to make research about your personal life such as wealth, the company you’re working for e.t.c. Once they completed their research they would be planning on how to take all your wealth. People are really dying, after a few years of marriage you got killed like a rat and they become rich.

God have mercy on us, please protect us from all kinds of vultures. Please bring humanity back and take away animosity.