Short story writing by : mahlogonolo Blessing
I grew up quite and shy but never wanted to be that way.
I grew up being told that my voice was making noise to my family whom I loved
I grew up at a place where I will only call home because was where I hide my head everyday.
I grew up being hated by my family and teachers at school
Anger started to manifested in my life as I saw nothing wrong with myself but treated like I’m an abomination to my family.
I used to take position 1 at school until my teachers try as much as they can to make me leave school because of their treatment towards me .
I was lonely with no friend , family or an elder who can listen to my voice .
I met this guy who shown me love that I never saw from my family & teachers . He provided me with money for carry , clothes and food sometimes until I feel pregnant .. that where I praid to God to please take me . As I was scared and thinking of commiting sucide . But I remined strong for I know God might have purpose with my life . I talked to my mother to please help taking care of my child so that I can finish school . God’s mercy took place she agreed then I went back to school until I finish matric with the help of this boyfriend of mine .
I managed to finish matric the hard way . “Putting God first ” begging for mercy if I ever done anything wrong to him . I applied for NSFAS and went to collage .
When I arrive at collage things became better first semester because nsfas was paying my fees and giving us food allowance. Then I past my N4 things changed when I went to go see this boyfriend from high school (baby daddy ) during school holidays . We became happy as normal . he was working at gauteng renting room at Soweto diepkloof I was very happy visiting him and he seems happy too .. after 2 days being there I started to feel pain all over my body , my voice refuse to come out , I was unable to walk or eat anything even going to toilet .
I called my mother she told me to come back home . Boyfriend helped me to pack my bags and send me home I was unable to walk being sick to death within 2 days of my visit . I just hold myself and pray to God so that I arrive home safely .. I went home and mom put warm water for me to bath but nothing changed and I have to go back to school . My mom had no idea what to do if things are like this . My sisters ,brothers , neighbours were laughing celebrating but God s shown his mercy I went to school with all those pains . When I arrive I became worse not attending classes.
God show up himself I was writing tests without reading or attending but I did passed my N5 .. but because of being lonely and scared for the way my life was happening I stared to loose focus and give up to drink beer and taking ciggerattes those were my medicine to stress. I started to fail until drop out of school doing N6 . I decided to go look for a job at Gauteng . Luckily I found Job hoping my life will be better but people at work just start hating me until my boss chase me away .. I became strong and look for another job they did the same . Until I start attending churches but nothing happened until I went streight home Limpopo .. it’s been 2 years now from 2023 I’m still at home suffuring with nothing go well in my life .
Pain changed me but one-day I wish the same God who used to save me through thick n thin will appear again in my life ..
The end !!!