I wrote this article to encourage everyone whom look down themselves. Not all of us we could be successful in life because of qualifications. I know that education is the key to our success and it’s very important.
Going to school doesn’t mean you will find proper work after you finished, but the chances of getting hired by the certain company is high because when they want a qualified chef you would be luck.
Sometimes it’s important to test ourselves by practicing anything we are good at so that when we grow up we cannot suffer . We all know that our country has high rate of unemployment.
Those youth who tell themselves that they still choose jobs which is total wrong- If you see that you’re good at business you better open small business this could help to earn little money and you cannot go to sleep with an empty stomach.
I know God made us different we cannot be the same and our gift are different some are good at education , some are good at making things using their own hands. At the end of the day we’re all intelligent but in a different way. Don’t look down on yourself stand do something good.
Let us embrace ourselves God loves us all .