In life things are not going the same way.Some people are lucky some are not.But I’ll be based on those who are struggling.In nower days it’s hard to find a job.Over millions of people have no jobs and some are even homeless.

But today I’m here to tell you.”Never give up”…try harder and pray.If things are not going according your plans just pray and have faith.Some people are thieves today not because they love that ,but it’s because they are really struggling. Some are selling their bodies while some are in to drugs ,this life we living in is hard I’m telling you Guys but don’t lose hope.

Don’t do all those things just because you can’t afford mntaka mah,i know it’s hard but zama kuzolunga!Try and sell something and make lawo masenti ukuze ulale udlile.

Nakhu okubalulekile God created us and he knew what he was doing.Just thank God that you still alive because kukhona akubekele khona trust me akakudalelanga ukuhlupheka.

And to those who are suffering from depression and anxiety,Mamelani be strong let go of things ezikuhlukumeza umoya.Don’t dwel in your past because uzihlukumeza wena mntaka mah.Try to fight this demon and heal uqhubeke nobomi.

Life is hard yes ngyavuma but don’t lose hope,never give up konke kuzolunga and you won’t believe it mhla kwenzeka.

Ngyanithanda Take care ♡

Snenhlanhla Madikizela