2023 turning 21. I’m excited and ready for the new phase. Well, the past few years haven’t gone well on my side. At 17 I completed my last grade, which was in 2019. Come 2020 and who would’ve taught that a gigantic pandemic could cause so much havoc?.

Well that’s actually just the first of many obstacles to follow. In mid- July 2020 I was diagnosed with depression. It took a heavy toll on me and like always as teenagers we always have something destructible for our problems. I “started smoking weed” just to ease the pain. But too much of something can deliberately kill you.

And well the year went on great. Fortunately, I got help from some girl who happened to be my great companion. But the disease fought on all different angles that I had to push people away from getting themselves hurt in the process.

2021 came in with a bang. The depression was still lingering. But this time I was more in control of myself and I started to write my feelings on piece of papers. My mind was still in the dark place it was a year ago but slowly I got myself out of it.

The course of the year went well. I even celebrated my 19th birthday that year (something I don’t regularly do). But it was all the case of knowing myself as I started getting rid of this thing lingering in my life.

The final few months went ahead smoothly and then another tragedy happened. On Sunday morning 7th November 2021; my uncle arrived with “bad” news. It was the morning my beloved grandma took her last breath after a long fight with cancer.

What should I feel this time? Anger; hurt; pain; broken; or well you guessed it, depressed. Well not quite any of those but I was confused and frustrated. Like what the heck just happened? We know death and the loss of a loved one always seem like a hurdle to climb over.

Well, yeah, I recovered well and sound for just another setback to happen. I guess in life you should always be prepared for any- thing.

Let’s put 2021 and it’s challenges behind us.

2022 started amazing. But still missing grandma. But all round this was a good year for me though. In early October I was baptized and I became born again. Nice experience and the maturity it takes to do that, it was something I didn’t even thought of at the beginning of the year.

But here I am, stronger than ever and ever-growing more stronger. I reconnected with myself and found God. What a great way to start off my 20’s.

In 2023 I’m turning 21. I’m still young and still growing up. The setbacks made me realise the importance of time and love. I am grateful for what happened. My life is not perfect and I will fall off a lot of times. But don’t forget. My comebacks are always stronger than my setbacks.

In conclusion, anyone reading this including myself,listen to this advice.

Always be prepared for any-thing in life