Date 07/02/25
Time 23:44
Hey everyone itz_just_kayz is back and Im doing this blog Today not for sharing wat motherhood is about in fact I want to hear it from you ♥️.. I have no idea what it means to be a mom … And I want to know … I’ve never had to interrupt my sleep for a baby and soon I’ll have a little boy in my life…. Okay so here’s the story
I’m dating this guy and he has a son … His son and I are close and we like friends…. His a cute 4 year old
And once his dad and I start our life together I’ll automatically become a mom well kinds already am .. I mean. He addresses me as such and its Sooo cuteeee
I love kids I love babies I can do anything for them… But being a MOM wohhhbhh!!!! I don’t know how to feel … I’m happy yes I have a cute Lil boy who loves me as much as his dad but being a MOM is hard work that’s wat I heard…. I don’t mind it to be Honest I’m just scared… What if my Lil boy doesn’t love me the same after his dad and I are official… I know it’s impossible for that because he loves me and his dad loves me……
Bottom line I have no idea wat its like to be a mom … Nd I was hoping some of y’all mom’s can tell me … I’ll be a first time mom♥️ and all comments are acknowledged ♥️
Thank you
Love yah