Time is the oldest “thing” in the entire universe, because time was first the “sun” (it’s how acient people calculated time. Time is the most precious thing to all humans: For children it starts with 4 words… “Once upon a time”.. and for adults, its “time management”

Time isn’t referred to as ONE: It isn’t only the time that is on our walls, arm (watch), cellphones and in the car, which has 4 digits and a colon in between if it’s digital (e.g 23:38) and round with 2 arms if its analogue. Time can be referred to many things. Like Maths: The calculation that will determine a certain answer, which will be the result to what is needed. If it’s the wrong answer, the calculation was wrong too (just like telling time). Even speed and distance can’t be calculated without time

Every time when people talk about time I would just think why. I finally understood why. “Time is not on our side” because it has its own life and thats so in love with with itself, it knows where its going. It has no hiccups, hurdles or anything to fear cause it’s purpose is to move forward…

If you think about it, time (clock) is like the upgrowth of humans. “Seconds” is the baby: energetic, eager to know and forward (but are the youngest),

“Minutes” is our teenagers; they try to be calm but the development of feelings makes them panic and do things unnecessary

“Hours” is our adults (and I’m not talking bout baby mamas and fathers), its your parents I mean. They always observe what the teens (minutes) and baby (seconds) are doing and make a change if they become influential…. And they “take their time”

There comes a time where time is the best thing that has happened to you: where your success is becoming a reality but sometimes it doesn’t, because ‘time is not on our side’

Just like our president, Jacob Zuma. We eager and in a hurry that he resigns, but what will happen after that? We’ll get a small satisfaction, eventually it’ll all fade in due time. The reason is, we’ll have to vote AGAIN. And during that time, there’s chaos, havoc and no discipline…. Actually who will we trust if he falls?

And all that, is just like time. Cause when you wake up in the morning and you know you ain’t going anywhere, you get excited. But through out the day you get confused, sad, sometimes angry because you used to doing things at certain times. Without time, we’re not “timeless”, we’re “useless”.

And again, people and time are not so far different. There’s a.m like 7:00, 10:00, 12:00 (just like babies: we never sure when exactly they’re born)

And there’s p.m like 20:00, 23:00, 00:00 (… and just like death). The reason I wrote about is that people don’t have much time given in this world… And one thing we should do is be like “analogue”: help each other so we could move forward

They say “God is love” but I say “God is time”. You worship time unknowingly. Be happy when you’re on time. Sad and angry if you’re not. The first thing you do in the morning is check time. (Like a morning prey)

Even during a night prey you ask God “to bless you another day”.. And straight after, you check time (the hours you have before you wake up again)

I took my time in writing this, so I hope you too in reading it. But If you didn’t, read again cause time is one of the beautiful thing ever created.