Life is precious but also difficult and sometimes hard to figure it out. Coming from a poor background is never easy and there days where one has to figure things out not only because they had no choice.

Being born and raised in a poor background doesn’t define who you are it’s just a phase that shall pass too. It not your choice to grow up poor but it your choice to change your situation.

It is never to late to change nor to early to determine your future in fact the future is now and can determined anytime. We live in the present but we don’t know what the future holds which is why we should always think about what about tomorrow because every decision made now it will reflect your future never forget that and think that you’re to young to think about the future. Dream big and let your dreams become a reality that you will be proud of.

We only live once and sometimes taking risk is worth it. Believe even if everyone says it’s impossible but only you can make it possible because it is your dream and only you can make it a reality just don’t give up nor lose hope. Life is unpredictable and will always be like that to everyone in different ways. Be unique and stand for the truth that’s within yourself. Be your own person always allow people to help but also be careful because some people are wolves with sheep’s clothing and they want to destroy you without you knowing.

We live in times where people only care for themselves plus they want to worshipped and treated as almighty. People want only them to succeed in and they get jealous if one becomes better than the other. Success never comes from a silver platter or rather should I say one has to work hard in order to be successful, but one shouldn’t forget who and what they were before success and also roots are so important in life. I know that sometimes things do happen but one should never give up or lose focus or should you ever lose focus , please try by all means to to regain it and pick up yourself and keep pushing because no said it will easier or it will be simple be your own person and be true to yourself always. What doesn’t lol you makes you stronger, keep those words in mind always.