To the person I love but have to let go.
Thank you for all the memories. You make me the happiest girl on earth, and I say this without the slightest bit of exaggeration. Your jokes are so ridiculous they always have me on the floor because of happiness. I have not met anyone who has the same refreshing humour that you have. Your stories, on those rare moments you let yourself be vulnerable in front of me, are so captivating. And our love, our love was a thing that burned ever so at times it became too hot, but for the most part, it gave me warmth. It was the kind of love that embraced my whole being.
All these memories I shared with you have played a great role in shaping the woman I am today. Talking to you made me see the world with much more vigour and excitement. I am grateful for your kindness, from all my weird quirks to my indeferences. Truthfully, I don’t know what it is that compels you to admire me so much. I am way more flawed than the perfect individual you see me as. Thank you.
But I can’t hold on to you. It’s true we can have everything in this world but never at once. I am truly madly in love with you in letting you go I am giving ways in other to feel the same way. I can’t ask you to put your life in hold and wait for me.
Also I can’t deny the fact distance plays a role. Try as we might, the different experiences will render us unable to understand each other and it will become frustrating and cause us to turn on each other or blame ourselves for what is happening. I don’t want this relationship that has been so precious to me to become tainted by meaningless arguments we will have on our daily lives became cluttered with stress and anxiety. I don’t have the heart to see it dim and eventually die.
I attempted to solidify my realizations in this letter but I know just as badly I failed. There will never be a set of perfect words that can lessen the pain of separation and rejection. As I struggle to end this letter and continue with the struggle of letting you go, only two banal phases come to my mind. I’m sorry and thank you.
The girl who’s foolish enough to let you go.