Year 2022 I’m writing this letter to you to vent. It has honestly been a rollercoster ride we had our ups and downs but we made it to the last day, when Aymos said that abaningi aba wu bonanga lo nyaka ut slapped hard and hit home because I lost a lot of people in this year, I never believed it when people said that they lost a lot of people in a short space of tie until I experienced it, I was shocked when I had to bury 5 close people in a space of 5 Weeks I asked myself whether I did something wrong to God or what was wrong with the world, the most painful death in those 5 weeks was Boitumelo’s death because I usually predict deaths and always foresee many deaths like ramogolo’s death I foresaw it before it could happen but Boitumelo’s was a huge surprise yes I knew that I would lose someone close to me from Siyabuswa but I never thought it would be her yet now she’s gone and I won’t see her and her family won’t see her be the lawyer that she was meant to be, that really hurt too much and I never wanna experience burying so many people in such a small space of time again.
Can we talk about my life now?? It hurt me very badly to lose a job that I loved and it humbled me to be unemployed for such a long time, I believe that now I know how it feels to beg for something and how painful it is to feel like a nag on someone’s shoulder, I got to graduate after over 8 years of studying but at what cost because I lost the lifestyle that I was used to and now I have to adjust to a new lifestyle not that I’m complaining and stuff but it was honestly painful but we move right that’s what the world says. For me, the transition from being employed to being employed was a very painful one especially when I was asked for things, and I could not do what was asked I’m glad I had a very strong support system around me to hold me down because I would have not been here as well.
2022 I think that me going to psychotherapy was the best decision I ever made because it saved me from suicidal thoughts and I was able to deal with the trauma I exercised the previous year seeing another person die in front of me made things worse as I asked myself why was I experiencing all that I was experiencing in such a short period and therapy helped me to articulate and understand what was going on in my life and now I’m able to speak about those traumatic experiences without being triggered into anything.
2022 I had a tough year with my wife and even today I still wonder if I made the right decision by marrying her because all she does is make me angry and as much as I deviate from attacking her but she always pushes me to the edge and her abuse to overboard because I can’t handle it anymore I just wanna be far far away from her so I can be able to be at peace I just hope that when she sees this letter to you she will understand the pain I’m in and the sacrifices I make for her so she can understand that I love her but I can’t tolerate her abuse and I will never be able to tolerate it no matter what happens I hate being accused of things I don’t do and I won’t stand for that.
Dear 2022 I had a splendid December which was better than any December I ever had even better than 2018 December all because I was home and was able to travel this year even now at your end I’m still enjoying your December as it was the first December where I was not working the whole month and I never had the stress of fulfilling anything this December and I’m glad that all these happened this December
As I write this letter to you I hope that you inform 2023 to be softer and lighter may you ask God to bless me with all that it’s required from me and oh before I forget thank you for the Lotto and Betway wins I had this year because I never had won anything before in my life so those wins were Blessings, please ask 2023 to send fort blessings so I can be able to fulfill all that is due to me mainly my wife’s homecoming and my father’s tombstone everything else I will achieve will be a bonus but the main thing is for me to own my apartment and a better car yes I love the car my brother bought me but I need a car that will take care of me
PEACE JHM MEHLAPE thank you for all the blessings