Why not?

Just think about not being able to do something that you desired to do just because you imagine or think there is a roadblock from reaching your goals.

That’s called a psychological barrier when in actual reality there is nothing but you holding yourself back from being the best version of yourself.

I know this sounds cliché but we should try to be the best version of what we were yesterday and not live in reverse.

My grandmother always used to say, in life you must only focus on the present and the future.

Imagine driving a vehicle while looking in the rear view mirror that’s very hard to do right?

Present yourself and knock those goals down, you want to make your future self proud and think back saying, did I really do that?

Research shows that 33% of people all over the world only discover what they are passionate about or want to do something of significance between the ages of 60 and 80 years old.

So I encourage you to go forth and attempt.

A simple analogy, there might be a soccer team that needs one more player, whether you’re not good at the sport or know nothing of it at all, it doesn’t matter they need YOU!

A wise man once said, at the end of the day it’s all about execusion.