I knock off after long tiring hours at work and I drove to my home place while busy trying to park, I noticed that my right rear tyre was very flat needed some boost up.

I drove to the fuel station, while busy boosting there comes a guy carrying his wheel to do what I were busy diong.

He greeted me and asked me which branch am I working under. I told him and asked him why did wanted to know where am I working. He told me that there is a work mate of mine who treated him bad.

Listening to his story I found that it’s hard to Understand other people. People respect their work place rules and when you do as instructed by your supervisor they start labeling you with different names. I am not quite sure if whether they undermine other people’s job.

No matter how educated you are, please respect other people’s job. When you force them to break their employers rules, you should know that you’re selfish you want them to lose their jobs.

I tried by all means to explain to make him understand but he did not. I hope he will digest what I told him and change his mind.