Nowadays love is nothing but a game, don’t hear me wrong they is still true love out there but very rare to find. Some of us grew up in an environment where by true love excited, when I say “environment” I mean our parents love for each other so that why we put our all in love because we have this mindset of believing in true love and yeep we end up getting ourselves hurt deeply and repeatedly by the ones we trusted with our heart.

We would get hurt over and over again by the person we love and all they could say is “sorry, I love you and please know tht we will have issues along the way so we have to fight for each other” and we get blinded by those words but if we would put our love aside for them you would see that all this “issues” could have been prevented from happening and breaking our hearts but either way they will do it for their own selfish reasons because they know that they could sweet talk there ways into our hearts..

My heart breaks even more for those who get there heart broken from individuals and when you pour out your heart about their actions, they wouldn’t care for one second on how you feel but respond and say ” I didn’t ask you to love me completely and sweetie “hate the game, don’t hate the player”. On that moment you would feel as if your heart is about to stop beating and you would find yourself not believing that this has been said to you especially from the person you thought loved you. Love has turned into a weapon of death, individuals die because of love, they kill themselves in the name of love, they get killed in the name of love too but this has to stop. They will be phrases about ” if you don’t revenge then you are strong” but i say if you feel as if you are not strong enough to not revenge then sweetie do so, revenge yourself so that your heart could heal because if you don’t,I know death would conquer you so I would rather be not strong then die as you stay behind and continue with your life so not anymore.

Hate the game, don’t hate the player right?, Oh well I say no problem. This game just got its self a new player. I still believe in true love but this time I will be Extra careful however, if I find a player then let’s play but know that I’m done lossing, it’s my turn to say “check mate”.

Ohh and one more thing “hate the game, don’t hate the player”😏.