Give than love while they’re still alive,
When the person is gone. You no longer give than love. Give than love while they’re still alive, when the person is alive they will be able to say good thing about you, they will be able to fight some battle for you. Give than love while they’re still alive
Those expensive coffins and hugged are just for entertainment. Don’t wait for than to get sick, don’t wait for than to leave this world. Be the in their time if need,be the when they are broken. Be the when their hope is gone,
Give than love while they’re still alive it’s not the funerals,but good mentiones that will last.
Remember that one day we all will leave this world, Release them when they are gone,mourn not for long, They are gone, but they know how much you love than. Give
than love while they’re still alive!🥰🥰🥰