Some people really struggle to keep a conversation going with others. They just can’t hold the conversation even if they really do want to talk. It can be because they have nothing to say or they just don’t know what to say at all. This is normal and it happened often. However, you don’t have to experience those awkward small talk conversations anymore. I know, someone has to break the ice. It is very important to:
  1. Pay attention: show the speaker that you are interested in what they are saying. This will encourage them to talk and the conversation will get more interesting and it doesn’t have to be awkward. Maintain eye contact and use body language to assure the other person that you are interested. 
  2. The listening skill: this is a crucial stage in during a conversation. I mean, you do want to feel understood and heard. Listen attentively. You can say ” I see. So what happened next?” To make the other person feel much more comfortable and enthusiastic in sharing with you.
  3. Do not interrupt: Wait for your time to speak. Do not interrupt the other person when h/ she is talking. That can ruin the whole atmosphere and avoid talking about yourself if he/ she is venting. ” Everything is going to be okay” you can say. I know everyone hates having to hear that especially when they are not in a good space but everything will eventually be fine. Avoid talking about yourself. You can ask open-ended questions as well. 
  4. Stay calm: If the other person gets on your nerves or upset you, it is very important to remain calm. You can simply tell the other person to change the subject because you are uncomfortable with it. If the matter escalates you can walk away to avoid arguments and fights.