Endless road, walking it alone with my mind; but not reaching my destination. I am chasing dreams of long ago, before I was even born.
I am on this endless road sweating on the midst of the sun, that denies to cool down so I can be relieved.
It is burning me like a forgotten fried chicken in the oven of a drunken man, I can’t resist my dreams don’t care whether I die or I survive without any rest.
Restlessly I am, denying to sleep, because I’m going to dream the myth of liar’s.
I am facing hatred and jealousy, while humans transformed themselves into being wild animals, that are awaiting to tear me apart, listen! I am not scared anymore.
People’s unnecessary pain has buried fear deeper in my soul, remember me not wickedness, I am not your friend anymore.
I am on this endless road walking and talking on it alone, with my positive mind, in the midst of the lions and hyenas, not forgetting the wolves that are always on the mission day and night, to tear apart the lives of those who follows the beauty of their dreams.
I am busy hearing whispers in my ears shouting and complaining saying: “is he crazy? Who does he think he is; does he think he will be better than us!
Who does he think he is? Let’s finish him!
I want to see him dying, ‘so they say;’ while others saying he is going to make it, he is going to help the weak and the poor; and we are going to be exposed.”
I keep on walking and hidden under the secret pavilions of my creator, chasing dreams of long ago, before I was even born.
The dreams of the untold man, that proclaimed and fought for righteousness, and victories became his middle name.
The joy and harmony deliverer, I walk on his footsteps; holding steadfast light upon my right hand, sparing it to the ones whom believes in the beauty of their dreams.
I am what God say’s I am, and you are to fulfill all your dreams; because there’s nothing impossible with God! I have made it to my destination will you?