There was once a girl that was poor she lived with her mother but she has cancer and she might die at any time. The girl’s name is Priya and she was doing matric and on Friday 22 July 2022 she came back from school and found her mother laying on the floor and Priya touched her pulse and her mother was dead she was heartbroken and she told her neighbour and the neighbour helped her and she asked if she could help her on her mother’s funeral.
Thursday it was her mother’s funeral and she didn’t go to school and when the funeral was done she was crying BCS it was too early for her mother to live and she rushed to make a fire and when she was done she made the house on fire and she was in it and slept in her room and she knew that there was a fire. The neighbour found out but it was too late and the police investigated and told the neighbour that Priya burnt the house and she was inside.
The End