People every day are doing everything they can to avoid falling. No one wants to fail and failing, is a negative word. Have you ever asked yourself what failure actually is? If it wasn’t for failure people wouldn’t have learned from their mistakes. Falling doesn’t mean that you are stupid and we have to know that no one is perfect nor the world itself is not perfect. Life is a journey and to understand it, you have to experience it to be able to understand life. People who are successful right now, most of them have failed but they didn’t give up.

Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed, and feel like you are not good enough. Sometimes you even doubt yourself. But quitting something that you want or dream to have is not an option. As long as you can dream it and you believe you can, you will make it. Some of us are afraid to take a risk. Do not have fear of falling because failure is not a bad thing or a problem but fear is.

Failing is so painful but without this pain, people would not learn from their failure. Failure gives us the opportunity to bounce back, to see our mistakes and it gives us a chance to look back on what we did to be able to fix our mistakes. We must destroy the demon that makes us afraid of falling when we want something. As a wise man once said, “If life throws you rocks, take those rocks and build a bridge”.  People who do something and fail, but don’t quit and work hard, are always winners.