Why must we suffer what are we suffering for ?

Why are all going through a lot Why are we hurting our minds Why we let other people put depression into our lives while they are injoying their lives with peaceful and healthy? we must stop being selfish we must stop treating some people in a hurtful way we are all equal we are one rainbow nations we must love and cherish each other we all need peace and happiness we all need that pretty smile over our faces. it’s healthy to be happy always and it’s healthy to stay calm all the time, but it’s bad to stay unhappy always and it’s not healthy to be under pressure all the time. all this unforseen sickness are the ones who are putting more rate in our lives and those are harming our lives . We must come with a way how will we deal with this situation that hurt our feelings,relationships, future and also our children. we must help each other and we must have mercy and support everyone in a good way .