Hey, I’m back again. This is finally the last letter I’ll write to you. I’ve been struggling to write this one because personally we’ve been going through a merry-go-round. 2024 taught us a very good few lessons; but also a few bad ones as well. Our character has been out of sorts. We’ve been tossing and turning through the dark days. We’ve had some “bullshit” experiences and even coming through the walks of death I can say.

I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to put my sword through the battles. I was humble enough to not play with my blessings. Through the hate I passionately loved myself. Some happy days taught me to appreciate the things I have.

But mentally we’ve also been in a dark place. Too much thinking have made us stagnant and ignorant. It was the simple things that made us afraid. Little did we know we’ll get caught up in the midst of despair.

I’ve been trying to keep you on taps with what’s happening. You seem to forget what you stand for. I don’t know if you know that life has its own way to go. Time is something you should and must be grateful for. It’s important that you have patience for the things you want.

Change your attitude. Behave yourself. Be good to yourself. And build yourself up in a way you will be proud of.

Much love for you and be your best version.

Yours Truly.