Covid took her!!!

I am gonna take you back to when life was easy, Sthandiwe is a rural girl with big dreams she was living with her grandmother everything was easy until…
It was in the morning I entered one of the beauty pageant competitions, my mind (ngaze ngasaba) after that thought, my grandmother woke up “I know you will make it umumodeli wami phela wena awushodi ngalutho.” we were laughing but I was so scared. I had to make it not just for me but for her. I went to the kitchen I made some food for myself no Gogo wami. As I was about to go I saw her going straight to eMsamo took a bunch of Impepho she kneeled down I had her saying “Maphumulo boZikode Mashimane (clan praises), hambani nomntwana wenu useyaphuma indlela azibe mhlophe bo Godide hambani naye “
I hugged “gogo ngyakuthanda ” she was so good to me my life supporter. we did almost everything together going to fetch water, washing clothes, and cooking together. I miss all those times.
 Then it came to a point where we were told that they need to vaccinate in order for them to be able to protect against covid, she went to the vaccination station, and they did all the process “Kodwa gogo bekungamele buka manje ngathi uzoshona” me crying. Relax nothing will happen.
 Months passed by she was not feeling well she was then taken to a clinic for a check-up, but the doctors told us that she will be transferred to the hospital she is in a critical manner, I was so perplexed.
 Days went by calling her. checking up on her every day via the phone was the best moment. Then in the morning, I woke up feeling so down as if I lost something that really matters, my sister’s phone rang she answered “hi “the doctor said “unfortunately we lost Zibikaphi Maphumulo around half past 1 in the morning. I am sorry, condolences to you and your family she hung up” I was shaking waiting for my sister to say it ain’t true, 
I miss my grandmother so much, it is true that cherish every moment with your loved ones because you don’t know the hour and minutes or seconds that gods decide to take his belongings 
Covid took her 
 Written by sthandiwe khumalo