Confession untold

These confessions are untold

confessions that humble me before I could judge anybody, for I remember my worst…

At 14, One of my 11 years old cousins gave her virginity to me, so how could I judge who had done worse for Iam also capable just not tempted to or willing to.

At 14, I shared a bed with my 19 year old cousin, And got to hit one deep stroke, and She pretend to be a sleep and suddenly awaken. So I moved aside as and She said” John”.

I responded quicker than a sleeping person

and She said”Yey!, I’m dreaming”.

I said nothing

I had nothing to say.

These confessions are untold.

how I wish nobody would know.

At 15, I use to seduce my 13 years old other other cousin every night

and almost every night I would be on top of her or on top of Me.

so where would I start to judge those who had done worst.

These are untold confessions

I hoped no one knew

At 19, I had a LOVE affair with another 16 years old cousin of mine who seemed to be willing to give Her virginity to me, but I seemed to have forgotten where I should slide in to. So we kissed under the stars alot in alot of Friday’s.

yho!! confessions untold

At 19, A 19 years Old Girl I dated had a miscarriage, and It didn’t bother me at all.

confessions untold

At 19, A Girl I met on Facebook, We had sexual intercourse for just that day we met at, and then I left, I heard She was Pregnant but seemly She was never sure who the father is. And since She never came to me, I never bordered, nor can I recognize her to this day.

confessions untold

At 19, I met another 16 years Old Girl just walking around and on that same day, we did it like we knew everything about us and She got pregnant and decided to abort for I seemed to be unreachable on the phone and skeptical to have a child. truly I was scared so I ignored her calls.

hmmm, these are untold confessions.

At 19, I met another another 15 years Old Girl just walking around the street and we did it on that same day. But seemingly we would do it every time I visit, till one day I came and I heard that She was Pregnant. When we finally talked, She said She would like to See my daughter, I laughed at her and She was serious. And I said” That Last time we got sexually involved, I could tell that You were pregnant, For I had been involved with a pregnant women so Iknow”. She believed, but deep down I was unsure. And decided not to dare mention such.

eish, the untold confessions

At 19, I approached my 17 years old neighbor and She said Yes, And on that same day we had it everyday for 28 days non stop and in every round I poured my sperm in Her womb, like all was well. As I had asked if I can Impregnate her and She said “yes”. A daughter was born And when She told Me I said”I already have daughter that the family knows if my family finds out that I have another daughter then my father will disown me”. I said that after another round of which I had came in her with no problem. with her daughter sleeping quietly.

These are my untold confessions

tell me how could I ever alter a word or point fingers for I already find the worst of the worst within Me.

At 20, Another 18years old Girl I dated for a day &slept with in that day Got pregnant, and had a miscarriage within 8days. nothing had hit Me, Numb as I ever was. moved on without no pain.

Confessions untold.

At 21, I let my sperm pour inside another 16 years old Girl every time we had it, when She got pregnant I asked if She’s sure that The child is mine.

even to this day non, speak to Me. though some do but underneath they wait for my ruin.

untold confessions

At 22, I got inside a 19 years Old Girl I didn’t Love no want but because I thought of myself as an addict to sexual intercourse I went for her. we had it two times the third time She came to my place drunk and told Me She had an abortion. My heart wasn’t touched but instead happy for I wanted not a child with her and on that day I dumped her.

untold confessions of this heart

At 22, I dated a chubby 17 years old Girl for the first time in my life a chubby Girl. we spoke the same language and She never missed a day to come Me. She adored Me, and I showered in her Love. I did everything in my power not to impregnate her. But everyday we did it, She whole heartedly wished I would give her a child. saying it’s unfair that another woman has a child with me when She doesn’t. Saying She wants a child of her own with Me. we spoke the same Language, both of us crazy too. Love to sing to. So I pretended to be planning a family with her, I pretended to be letting my Sperm go inside her, as times I could see the desperation in her eyes and that melted my heart, as She pulls me to go deeper. I left the town where She stayed. And told her I can’t see her again nor can we continue dating cause long distance relationship are stressful and loyalty In not a guarantee. In my heart happy that I’m leaving her. After few months She texted”I’m pregnant” I responded “CONGRATULATIONS”. Holding my breath that She doesn’t respond with”YOUR THE FATHER”. I didn’t text no further or even dare to ask whose the father. I sat in silence and made sure I was offline.

MAN!!!! I cannot begin to tell You of a mess this all is…

so how could I judge or say anything, what do I know about better when the worst is whose in the mirror.


At 25, A 19 years old Girl that was playing hard to get for years finally thrown herself at my feet and said”I am now single”. invited her to my place, had it all night. And when She returned the next day I told her that I’m not really into relationships that I don’t know what I was doing and it was a mistake. She left without anymore words. till to this day, there aren’t any…

As I’m writing these, I’m beginning to tire

As to what kind a M….

Confessions untold

At 25, A 23 years Old Girl I had liked, texted me first. so I told her my truth, ofcause not these confessions. The truth that I like her. we hitted it for a while, I asked if I could pour my sperm in Her and She said “Just promise Me we will be together through thick and thin”. I said I promise and repeated my question and She said “Yes”.

I started pouring my sperm within her. At A weird day, She cancelled coming to me, saying theres a vision She has to get it somewhere. I was skeptical cause I saw it from a long run that She would cancel. coincidentally when I was walking minding my business, I happen to see her in a Car with a guy.

late I said” I thought I saw You in car today”.

and She said”No, it wasn’t Me”.

then I said”Yhooo!!! I almost fainted”

I asked “You sure?white car, You sure it wasn’t you”.

and She just said no plainly. anger oozed out of Me. The next day, She came we had it, but even through the rounds She sworn She saw my face changing. I came in her regardless. I accompanied her Home and ask if everything is okay at her home. When She said everything was fine, that’s when I said “I had came to realise that it was You in that taxi, and apparently if your life is on a fast lane, leave Me out of it”. and that was my goodbye on a text.


Confessions untold

I’m 26 Iam not asking for more, my confessions

my ways are what keeps me away from ever thinkingof chasing after Love or triggering to be involved sexually.

for Iam not Proud.

Confessions untold.