There are many things we start to face especially when we grow it’s like when things are falling apart they come in line and sometimes we cannot be dealing with all these within one time and then sometimes it is like after facing this certain challenge onother one comes up. Honestly it is not easy to be dealing with a lot and no one knows how it is like to be in your shoes even those who show sympathy they don’t know but they understand.It is not easy to be dealing with a lot like family drama then u look for happiness somewhere it fails especially in relationships u find a friend next thing they are your enemy are we not living as soon as possible. Especially that it is hard to determine a human being because they can portray themselves as something they are not in your life .
But in all these things I’ve mentioned nothing is permanent even pain fades away after sometime but strong people is those who keep moving forward no matter how tough it is .It is better to find yourself alone rather than surrounded with fake love ,fake people,fake happiness.When you are alone everything you do is to please yourself and not people once you learn that then it means rumors won’t destroy you instead they will build you .What can we do in order to know that the matches is finished it has to burn first in order for us to find happiness we first have to know pain . Because pain is the best experience ever .
Time is moving,learn to heal the wound and keep moving forward live to be proud in the future not to be regretful ,we will meet with liers,manipulators,fake friends etc but it is for a good reason and that reason u might not see it today but when the time is right.It might be tough sometimes but fight to arrive to your destination.