Bullying is when a person treats another person wrong. Bullying usually comes from home tragedies so bullies take their home stress and take it out on other people. According to people when a bully treats you bad you must walk away no you mustn’t! When a bully starts picking on you just try simple things like saying NO!

That really helps because when you learn to say no you are standing up for yourself and it can help you to tell the bully to back of! Another thing is that if you show the bully that you are scared of them the situation can get really worse and may cause violence!

So another advice is that when you notice that someone is picking on you learn to walk with someone that helps with that if something happens to you there will be a witness.

If you notice that you are or becoming a bully please try to talk to someone about what is happening to you and you must go to the victim and apologise. If you’re the victim, accept you apolog, that can really speed up the healing process.