You can’t just blame someone else alone, while you know you are also wrong and did not fall into your own mistakes. Learn from your own mistakes before blaming others for everything.
I want to make an example like electricity everyone uses together in every household, you can’t say the other one is only using the electricity in the meantime you are also the one who uses electricity to cook and bake things that use electricity then that things finished the electricity quick.
What I’m trying to say is the following: you can never blame others for your wrongdoings, and saying that will hurt others deeply inside. You should accept that you also have made mistakes and never blame other people for unnecessary things that don’t make sense.
I want to leave you with this for today in 2023: Think before you say something bad to others that will hurt their feelings, and they are left with a deep heart inside forever. Lastly, put all your worries and problems into God’s hands. Everyone has come with mistakes, and no one is better than others on this Earth.
© André Merrington