I grew up being different from other kids & my family,I always felt like I’m not part of my family & that every friend that I had were not the same as me but I wanted so much to b normal that I forced myself to b like other kids yet it didn’t matter how hard I tried il never fit in,il have friends & they will use me & bully me so much that being by myself was so much better for me than anything else, going to school was a torture cause il experience the bully from other kids & teachers,I was always picked,I was so quiet shy always at the background but the hate IL get from everyone was overwhelming from primary secondary, teenager to my adulthood people will just be mean ,hate,lie about my name,talk about me & worse talk about in my presence,no boyfriend that I had all my life loved me they all used me & live me ,my friends will use me then talk about me ,laugh about me in my absence they will date my boyfriend & pretend to b happy for me,il forgive them always IL choose my friends over boyfriends & il choose my family over myself always & even that never changed how they treated me.i never had a relationship but I always could give advice about relationships to my friends,they always came to me with their problem & il give them a different perspective & they all knew tht i was this loyal person whatever they share stays wth me then later know tht im grown i see things for wht they really are & i react to their treatments they say im sensitive & i want people to b loyal as im .thts were I so tht they were nt for me but against me then i started letting them go ,it was nt easy cause ive been wth them from a young age & i knew tht making friends always backfired cause im different,i dnt like same things others like i dnt do the same things others do & im always single cause wht I wanted I was never getting & I was nt about to allow anything that I m nt giving to b given to me so I was always on my own even know really I hve a rebellious spirit in me,I don’t do wht is seen mas normal by the community or culture,I do what I feel is right for me & that made me weird,i grew to understand & accept myself for who i relly am & i fought whtever fears i had about who im & wht im expectedly to b like in society,i fought for the freedom of being myself my whole till nou tht people are getting used to this diffent woman & either they accept me of regect me either way i dnt dive a damn,im so happy to b myself tht i put effort in myself nt others anymore,I started healing & forgiving myself & others & i found my own happines,i was never happy cause all along i was looking outside myself for ot & nothing could give me thr until i gave it to myself,i learn about myself & i loved myself more & know i wakr up daily with so much happiness in my heart & I know tht only God made all tht possible,I have created a connection with God that’s so strong tht nothing can shake it Gos is my everything,my father my mother my friend my boyfriend my child my neighbour I mean my everything I m Always on my own & happy cause i know im nt alone im wth my everything I talk laugh get angry happy alone bt im nt im with him.THANK U GOD U ARE WHOLLY