I forgive you for your absence. I’m also sorry for your failed attempts at redemption because I pushed you away due to my anger. 14 years of absence can mould a heart to stone.14 birthdays of no birthday cards, no text message or even a phone call to show that you cared. I don’t blame though,you are just a man who was raised in a society where running away from responsibilities is a norm. You missed 14 years of my every first,my first words,my first footsteps,my first sick day ,my first day at school every year,my first soccer game,my first netball game,my first marathon,my first friend,my first crush and my first fight. Basically father my whole life is what you missed and I forgive you. Your other kids needed you more than I did so I understand. I hope this letter finds you well.

From: The daughter you choose not to raise.