Brandon’s hair began to fall out, because of the treatment he was on. He couldn’t focus long at school without getting tired, because of that, he had to stay home most days. He missed out on school, but he missed his friends and soccer more.

“Mom, when am I getting better?” He asked his mother.

“Baby, you’ll get better soon. Here, eat and rest.” His mother said, giving him some food.

The next week, Brandon went to school and he took his soccer gear with him.

“They can’t stop me from playing soccer.” He said to himself.

“Brandon, it’s good to see you again.” Coach Brown said.

“Coach, I want to play.” Brandon said.

“Brandon, you know I can’t let you play. Your doctor gave strict orders. We care about your health more now.” Coach said.

Brandon felt like crying, he also felt alone. His friends were too busy on the soccer field and he had no one.