Welcome back to Style Secrets with A & B! We know that we’ve been gone for ages but we’re back in full swing and can’t wait to share our hair and fashion journeys with you.

Since starting this curly journey I’ve come across the term Curly Girl Method (CGM) and I wasn’t sure what it actually meant. I thought it was just a phrase used by women with curly hair; however, that isn’t the case. The CG Method is a handbook written and created by Lorraine Massey titled, Curly Girl: The Handbook. It is a haircare method created to help women and men find their hair’s true texture so that they can make the best of their natural waves and curls. It basically trades in your hair regime for a healthier one by using mostly conditioner and gel.

So, upon further investigation I came across the rules and regulations of the CG Method. There are plenty of Do’s and Don’ts.


The Don’ts


Heat styling tools

Combs & brushes


Non water-soluble silicones




The Do’s

Gentle cleansing conditioners – cocamidopropyl betaine and decyl polyglucose are the ingredients to look out for

Emollients – Shea butter, olive & vegetable oils


Humectants – panthenol, vegetable glycerine, sorbitol

Moisturizers – amino acids & aloe vera

Styling gel ingredients – PVP and PVP/VA


All these rules sound really technical and may take a while to remember and master but with time you’ll get the hang of all them. It would also be useful to get to know all the fancy lingo, like  ‘porosity’ or ‘curl type’. The Perfect Hair has a great guide and simple explanations; they call it their Hair Bible. The Perfect Hair company has been around for a while and has two ranges that are curly-girl friendly; it’s definitely worth checking out. I am currently using their curl activator gel and I have used their deep conditioner too, my hair absolutely loves both products.

Anyone with wavy, curly and coily hair can follow the CG Method. It’s so extensive in its methods that it gives you an idea of what type of hair texture you have, which helps to identify what products will probably work better on your hair.

There are some strict followers who follow the CG Method to the tee, but the main idea is that you simply start by changing your products by switching to clean, natural products, while following some of the curly girl rules.

How long does it take to see results?

Let’s be honest, change won’t happen overnight as there’s years of damage that has to be corrected. Each person’s transition period is different. I have never dyed my hair and thus have no bleach or colouring damage, so that makes the transition a little bit easier.

Do I follow the Curly Girl Method?

To some degree I do, but I’m not in any way strict about it. I still use shampoo but it’s silicone, sulphate and paraben free; I can’t go without my shampoo; it just feels odd. I also still use a comb and detangling brush now and then, detangling with my fingers just doesn’t cut it for me.

I changed my hair routine and made small changes by switching my products to natural products and using no heat. I prefer to air-dry but when it’s really cold I diffuse.

I now sleep with a satin pillowcase which leaves my hair intact when I wake up in the morning. I’ve also exchanged my towel for 100% cotton t-shirts as I don’t have a microfiber towel yet. The regular towels we use for our hair are harsher on the hair strands as it tends to be more prone to breakage, ouch!

Words of advice from a transitioning curly girl

Don’t be overwhelmed by all the products and gadgets you see for curly girl hair and don’t just buy any product you think works for curly girls — read the ingredients. I’m also on a pretty strict budget right now so I’ll only order two products every month to add to my curly girl stash. The most recent South African brand I bought was Curl Chemistry’s curl activator.

If you want to go back to your natural roots simply make small changes, and with time you’ll see a big difference.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this article are not sponsored, and are not endorsed by or affiliated with FunDza Literacy Trust.


Read more here on natural hair types

Tell us: Have you tried the curly method before? Tell us why you have or have not.