My life was horrible after losing Tiki. I couldn’t move on. I wanted to be with the only man I had ever loved. I dated, but I would dump them after a week or less. People thought I was going crazy. Some thought I had become a whore when they saw me with a different man every week. I was hoping to find an identical Tiki. But I couldn’t find Tiki. Sometimes I thought he was sick or dead. I prayed to God to protect him.

My life was shattered as if I couldn’t breathe because of carbon dioxide. I wish he had never dated me. In my heart, I sensed he hated me. I hated all men when I realised no one would take Tiki’s place. I would pretend everything was fine, but my heart was bleeding and crying for help. No one could help me. I wish I could rewind all events with Tiki so that I could fix my mess.

Being a widow made me yearn for a man’s touch, but where could I find someone like Tiki?

I was starting to give up hope, until the day my friend, Faith called, with news that put me on bounce again.

“Achie, I just saw your ex,” Faith screamed loudly.

“Where? Is he OK?” I asked curiously.

“I think he has moved on. You need to let it go and date other men,” she persuaded me.

“Did you get his number?” I asked concerned.

“What do you need it for? I think he won’t give you,” she said and hung up.

I sat, staring at my phone and wondering where Tiki had been all the time when I searched for him. I kept looking at my phone, wondering when Faith would give me Tiki’s number. I wanted to see if he was well and OK. Maybe I would feel better if he talked to me. Would he still want me or had he met someone new? I kept looking at his pictures which were in my memory stick. I would touch them as if I was holding him. I even kissed them, imagining it was the real Tiki.

My heart and soul ached for him. Since he left me, I felt miserable, and all I wanted was for him to tell me that he made a mistake leaving me. I told myself I should learn to accept that it was over between him and me. All memories began to flash back. I would smile and hold my teddy-bear lying in bed.

Faith told me she constantly saw Tiki every day. They began to talk on Facebook and WhatsApp. No matter how much I begged, she still didn’t give me his number. My mind started playing tricks on me and I was jealous of their relationship. What if they were now dating? But Faith wouldn’t do that to me, she knew how much I loved Tiki.

I got a text from Faith two weeks after that call.
I am with Tiki now.

Seriously, ask for his number. I need to apologise.

I kept my fingers crossed as I waited. What if he didn’t want me to get it? What would I do then? I couldn’t take it if that happened as my heart would break into a million pieces. I had moved on with my life and was dating a wonderful man. But he was not Tiki.

He is studying Horticulture in Mutare. He misses you.

Faith came through with Tiki’s number. I now had an opening, I would get my love back.


Tell us what you think: What do you think of Achie’s obsession with Tiki?