I couldn’t wait to hear from Tiki. After receiving Faith’s messages, I just couldn’t wait to hear from him.

I come in peace. How are you? – Achie.

I wrote the message on WhatsApp after getting the message from Faith. I kept checking to see if he had replied. My heart beat fast. He didn’t respond until evening, when a message came in from him.

Hi, Achie, it’s been long time, hey.

Yea. How are you?

Good, and yourself?

I am great. Thanks, Tiki.

Why didn’t u tel me u wrote a book about us?

Aaaa, who told you?

Faith did. But why, Achie?

I am sorry. I wanted to let everything pass.

Will you give me the book?

Oh, yes, I will.

Take care. I am going to study.

The chat was short. I had a lot of questions I wanted him to answer. I wanted to know if he had lied to me about his love and the promises which he broke. I told myself I should pressure him and after all, we weren’t dating. I was dating someone else. I zoomed in on his profile picture and remembered what attracted me to him. He was still as handsome and had those sexy lips which made every woman crazy.

Oh God, I couldn’t be falling for him again. It would never work if it didn’t work before. I loved my new boyfriend, Dale. He was older than me by two years. We had been together for a year but I wanted Tiki to tell me he still loved me. I didn’t want to cheat. I had to accept that we were over and I had someone else. It was hard, because Tiki was my first love. I loved Dale, and he loved me too.

I was a writer and I wrote a book that was published in India. The publishers liked the story and wanted to do a movie of it. The book Lost Love was selling well, but it wasn’t in Africa yet, just Asia. Dale saw the copy when he came for a sleepover.

“Faith told me this is a true story,” he said concerned. “You really loved this guy,” he continued.

I didn’t want Dale to feel like I never loved him so I ignored it.

“Did you read it?” I asked shyly.

“Yes, I just hope you will not see this guy,” he answered.

Dale couldn’t know I was chatting with him on WhatsApp. It would break his trust in me. I had to accept that Dale was my new love and Tiki was my ex. I knew I should let him go. Staring at his pictures made me remember the way I had loved Tiki. My mind and heart wanted us to get back together, but my mouth couldn’t say it.

Morning, Achie.

It was Tiki. My blood raced as if my adrenaline was spiked by something. I smiled as I looked at the phone.

Morning, boy.

How are you today?

I am good.

I didn’t think we would talk again. I thought you hated me.

I was at work and it was a busy day, so I couldn’t chat properly. My work made me ignore my phone for a while. I was still a chef and was still able to write. I felt free again; the self-esteem that was lost came back. My heart rejoiced when I talked to the first man I loved on this earth. Sometimes I thought I was obsessed with Tiki. If Dale had read the whole book, then he knew what Tiki meant to me. I hoped I wouldn’t break his heart.


Tell us: Have you ever obsessed over an ex? How did you get over it?