In living my new life, I must not live like the heathens do, those who have thoughts that are worthless. Getting rid of my old self was hard but I am determined and willing to make sacrifices to change my heart and mind. When Christ came into my life, I became a new spiritual being which is created in God’s likeliness, whom reveals the true life that is upright and holy. Ephesians 4 verse 17-32.

I will speak the truth since we are all the body of Christ. When I am angry, I will not lead myself to sin. I won’t let the devil use me but only God can control my life. No more bitterness, shouting, insults or hateful things upon my fellow men. I will bear good fruits like kindness, I will bear good fruits like having the willingness to forgive. I will bear good fruits like being tender hearted, I will bear good fruits like expressing love upon other people. And I will pray for others, even my enemies as Christ has shown us while he was on Earth. I will hate evil, I will be happy with those who are happy and I will weep with those who are weeping.

I will be humble and not proud. I will not judge anyone, for God is the only Judge and main Ruler. Romans 12-15 verse 6.

Instead of laughing at others, I will make sure that I help others and correct them when they are wrong. Sometimes people don’t listen when you try to help them and if they don’t, then leave them. The good thing is that you did try to help them.

It is said that you must love your neighbour as you love yourself. But the scriptures say love your enemies as you love yourself and you must pray for them. Love is the greatest thing amongst hope and faith. You cannot have hope without love, 1 Corinthians 13.

You cannot have faith with no love. That is why it is said that you cannot love someone without loving yourself first. Love is not love until you give it away. First love God with all your heart, soul and mind and then you can love everyone.

Strive to be holy, that’s why I wrote BE LIKE JESUS. We should all strive to be like Jesus. He was tempted but he overcame temptation. We should all overcome temptation as well because the devil is at play to see your downfall but God is there to rescue us.

We are victors more and we are conquerors, we are prayer warriors, we are children of the highest God. The power is in you, just get in control. What I mean is: allow your conscience to have hope and trust in God. If Jesus died on the cross; for all of our sins so that we may be saved, what more do you need to know?

Having a new life in Christ, is not easy but don’t give up on God, who loves you. He has shown us his mercy and grace in each day of our lives. I want all things on Earth to remember that God created it and us. Persecution and challenges are on the path you walk on, but strive to be like Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, Peter, Paul and the other people who walked side by side with God. In my new life living with Jesus Christ, God is by my side even when I am trapped. He is by my side.


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