An old man came in the door after hearing voices, thinking Jabu and Ronnie have returned.

“I knew you would return,” he says before catching a glimpse of strangers. He covers his mouth with his hand when he sees Zweli and Melusi whom he doesn’t know.

“Hello old man, can you help us?” Zweli asks sincerely. “Do you know where the owners of this shack are?”

“Oh yes, they are in Sandton, I can direct you there,” he says and walks out.

Zweli runs after him. Melusi is getting frustrated with Zweli’s ways. He takes a walk slowly outside. He hopes the money will be found or there’s going to be a huge problem. He sees Zweli holding a paper and writing on it with a pencil.

“Thank you old man,” he says smiling.

They drop off the car somewhere because it’s stolen. Sbusiso had hijacked it in town before they came to the shacks. The three men take an Uber to Sandton and go inside the apartments. There is a noise coming from inside.

“It’s number 24 right?” he whispers.

“The noise is coming from 24, look,” Sbu says, seeing shadows of people by the window.

“You wait here, you will alert us of the police,” Zweli whispers.

Zweli, Melusi and Sbusiso hide near a big rubbish container. They smoked cigarettes quietly looking at the entrance of the apartment, thinking how to get inside.

“We have to wait until people depart,” Melusi whispers.

Zweli nods his head, it reminds him of Melusi always coming with a solution at the end. It’s past 1 a.m. Zweli smiles. The people drive off while some walk away. A drunk young man is last to come out of the apartment. He walks slowly and pukes on a tree near the wall of the building. Melusi walks into the building, Zweli follows him.

Sbusiso goes to check if he can find a car he can hijack. A white BMW looks OK to him. He puts a big metal which he had in his pocket, the door opens quickly; it’s not locked.

Melusi and Zweli enter the apartment and find the room piled with paper cups, paper plates, tissues and crumbs on the floor. They hear a man snoring and they walk closer to the lounge, watching their backs carefully.

“I will go for him, you grab your gun,” Zweli whispers in Melusi’s ear.

They walk slowly, making sure there is no sound coming from their footsteps. Melusi eats the snacks on a plate on the table and Zweli grabs a bottle of wine and drinks it. They see Jabu sleeping on the couch.

“Get a bucket of water,” Zweli walks towards the couch.

After they grab the guy they head for the car and find Sbusiso in a car. They jump in and it drives off quickly. Melusi and Zweli sit at the back with Jabu in the middle.

“Who is he?” Sbusiso asks. He expected to see a bag, not a person. Zweli looks at Jabu who only sits trembling.

“I don’t know, but he does,” he shouts.

“Tell us where the cash is,” Melusi shouts.

Jabu remains quiet, he thinks shutting his mouth will save him. He hopes they will let him go but Melusi hits him with a fist in his stomach. Melusi beats him again and Jabu screams in agony.

“Leave him, we will deal with him later,” Zweli says.

They arrive at their hideout and Melusi pulls Jabu out of the car. They enter the house and tie him to the chair. Jabu knows how strong he is but he is outnumbered. What if they kill him and Ronnie? It’s best he tells them where the money is.

They bring a battery and some wire. He becomes terrified, they want to electrocute him. He tries to free himself from the rope as Zweli puts the battery behind his feet, he knows the only way is to tell them where the money is.

“I will talk, please,” he cries.

“Finally he talks,”

Jabu tells them that his friend, Ronnie can bring the cash but they have used some of it. They don’t look happy but they know there is still plenty of money.

“We will call Ronnie tomorrow, if he doesn’t bring it, we kill you,” Melusi threatens.

“Please just let me go and fetch it,” Jabu pleas.

“No no no, you want to warn your friend and run away?” Zweli grabs his collar.

“No, I wouldn’t do that,” he speaks sincerely.

“We will do it my way,” Zweli pushes him back and his chair lands perfectly on the ground.

Jabu lays looking up, feeling the wood hurting his back. His knees up and his hand cramped in pain with a rope binding him.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?