Nancy came across as everyone’s friend but I didn’t trust her. Something was fishy with her and her cousin. I couldn’t wait for the day to come when they were discovered. I had this feeling about this Nancy and it was not good. After doing my chores I walked down the street.

“Nick, Nicky,” my mother called louder.

I looked back and walked back. Mercy stood on the stoep holding a small Shoprite bag. I breathe when I arrived.

“Take this cabbage to the funeral and tell Anna that the money for our stokvel will be paid after collection,” she said handing me the bag.

I walked down the street wishing to see my friends. Thelma stood by the gate with Nancy, they were both laughing. Suddenly they stopped when I reached them. Where is Brenda? Maybe she is sleeping, I thought.

Nancy left Thelma and walked in the corridor. A man who wore a biker jacket handed her a khaki envelope. I looked at them as he handed the envelope to Nancy while I pretended not to look.

“Nicky, where is your mind?” Thelma waved her hand on my face.

“Oh you see, she is the one selling drugs,” I whispered.

“Why do you hate her so much? Everyone here loves her. She is everyone’s friend,” Thelma said.
I looked at her and walked away. Why can’t anyone believe me? Maybe I was just obsessed with her. The truth always comes out, and I can’t wait for that day, I consoled myself.

I walked and gave the women who were cooking the bag with cabbages.

“Tell Mercy we say thank you. God bless you,” a woman whom I had never seen around said. She looked like one of Sammy’s aunts.

I looked for Anna inside the house and found her sitting with her mom and some grannies. They are covering their legs with blankets. I whispered, calling her. She stood up and I told her what my mother had said. Funerals are always sad, so I quickly walked away.

“You have to sell these drugs in another place. The community will hate us,” Nancy whispered, checking if no one could see them.

“But it’s risky. Let’s finish here then we move away,” Tafi said.

“That girl named Nicky is looking out for clues. We have to be careful,” she said calmly.

Tafi entered the house and two men met with Nancy and they gave her money. She gave them drugs, wrapped in a plastic. They didn’t see that I was present, sneaky, and watching them.

“You will say we never met if you get caught,” she whispered.

They nodded their heads and walked away. A group came running as always at night. The boys played games at night. Hatfield was not a quiet place, the youth were always loitering and playing all sorts of games as dice, tsoro, cards and hide and seek. Their voices either screamed or yelled or whispered. We all get used to it. For some it’s music on radios or televisions.

I watched Nancy by the corner of the fence. There were two big trees, so they wouldn’t see me. I was on the other side.

“We have three sacks of cocaine,” Tafi said coming from inside the house.

“We are going to make money,” she exclaimed.

“Nancy, who is this girl that…” he said as a dog barked near me. I ran fast and the dog ran after me. I didn’t care where I would go as long as those two never saw it was me.

I ran into my street then I saw that the dog had lost me. I breathed harshly holding the tree. If they caught me, I will be in big danger. Tafi would kill me. I breathed in and out till I could walk again. I saw my mother waiting by the gate looking around in the dark night.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

I walked slowly then headed to my room.

“Nicky, talk to me,” she said concerned grabbing my arm.

“Mama, I am tired. I want to sleep.” I said sadly.

“Your food is in the warmer. I put your clothes on the bed,” she said trying to nag me.

“Thanks Mama. I am going to sleep,” I said smiling.

I pretended so she could leave me alone. I got in the blankets and said a little prayer for protection. Fear was in my heart. My blood was shivering in my body. Something was going to happen to me if Nancy saw I was eavesdropping on her.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?