Dinner was good. She washed the plates silently, hopeful to see her parents asleep. She rushed to the bedroom and put Lina’s body in a black plastic. She carried the body to a bush 5 kilometres away. She put it there and walked away.
“You did good,” the voice in her left ear said.
She felt guilty and uncomfortable but forced herself back home. The chirping and howling of the dark didn’t frighten her, she walked fearlessly. She went in the bathroom washed her hands thoroughly, hopeful to remove guilty that was tripping over her.
Maybe sleeping will erase what she has done. She dozed off after laying on her bed.
“Debbie… Debbie…” Christine shouted, shaking her.
Debbie opened her eyes, yawned and opened her eyes wider.
“Are you awake now? Lina is missing,” she spoke sadly.
“What?” she pretended as if she didn’t know.
“When did you last see her?” Christine said in a low voice.
“Yesterday,” she answered.
“Where the hell is she?” she asked devastated.
“She won’t be found,” Debbie threw the blankets off her and went to the bathroom.
Christine was puzzled and confused. How can she say that? Maybe she knew where she is. She followed her in the bathroom.
“Debbie what do you mean?” she asked petrified.
“She met her ancestors,” she replied opening the tap in the tub.
Christine walked away confused, she didn’t get what her daughter was saying. She should tell Calvin maybe he knows what Debbie speaks of.
They had their meal quietly and she asked Debbie to go to school later. Calvin kissed his wife goodbye and left.
“You said she won’t be found, why did you say she met her ancestors?” she asked gently.
Debbie was frightened and stood up angrily.
“Why would I say that?” she said furiously.
“Tell the truth and suffer consequences,” a voice in her right ear said. “You will go to jail and your parents will hate you,” a voice in her left ear said.
This happened for the fifth time and she screamed. Christine was confused with her daughter’s behaviour. She stood far, close to the wall. Debbie scratched her hand with her long nails. She felt like some hammer pounding in her head.
“I killed her Mama. Forgive me,” she cried with a loud voice.
Christine couldn’t believe her ears and eyes. Was this her daughter or was she imagining it?
Christine grabbed her bag and ran as fast as she could. Her feet led her to the church.
“Pastor… Pastor… I need your help,” she shouted.
Pastor was on his knees praying, alarmed by the noise. He stood up and held Christine who was kneeling and crying. He pulled her to sit on the wooden bench.
“What is the matter?” he asked calmly.
“I think my child is possessed by demons,” she shouted.
“Calm down. Just breathed in slowly… and tell me what’s going on,” the pastor said comforting her.
Christine told the pastor all, that she suspected Debbie had demons and what she saw today. Pastor prayed with her and told her to go home and he would come later.
Tell us: Do you think the Pastor will be able to help Debbie?