She was in high spirits when her parents came home. She welcomed them with a hug and kisses on the cheek. Christine was happy to see her daughter happy but Calvin knew it won’t last, but they hoped the sessions with the therapist were helping her.
After dinner Debbie did the dishes while her mother was taking laundry from their bedroom. She found money in her pillow and those new things under her bed. She saw the wallet and became aware she stole wallets too.
She didn’t say anything to Debbie, what if she reprimanded her and she tried another suicide? Christine kept it to herself.
“You see why I say let’s see a pastor. Our child needs deliverance, not punishment,” she cried. She didn’t tell him about the things under the bed but that she suspected she steals.
“OK, I will speak to Pastor Mberi,” he said comforting her.
The next day Debbie walked to school, she left early before her parents were up. Marlene met Debbie by the end of the road and they walked together.
It was a sunny day and the heat was already hitting them hard. There was a short route to school but not everyone used it, some said it was cursed because druggies and murderers used it. Many never survived that road but Debbie wanted to use it. She didn’t fear anything at all.
“I want to use the shortest route to school,” she said, wiping sweat off her forehead, and Marlene agreed.
As they turned to use the dust road, Marlene began to talk about Jesus but Debbie started feeling hotter. She started to scratch every part of body and her body started burning up she was sweating a lot.
“Are you OK?” Marlene asked.
“Leave me alone,” she growled like a lion.
“Jesus, I call upon you…” she doesn’t notice Debbie behind her back holding a sharp stone.
She hit her head and blood came out. Marlene fell on the ground. The demon left Debbie and she looked at her hands.
She threw the stone down and ran fast. She found a well and washed the blood off and viewed her reflection. It was not as she was.
“Marlene deserve it,” her reflection praised her for murdering Marlene.
“She doesn’t deserve what I did to her,” Debbie cried.
“You are my child so you have to remove all those who are bad,” it said laughing.
“I murdered someone,” she kept rubbing her eyes.
“It’s done and it won’t be the last time,” it chuckled.
“Get away from me,” she hissed.
Debbie kicked the water and ran as fast as she could. She arrived at school and pretended nothing happened. She concentrated on her lessons carefully. No one knew she murdered anyone, they didn’t see she had blood on her hands.
At lunch time she saw a guy in another class slapping a girl. She didn’t like the girl because of her fancy English, as if she comes from overseas. The guy kept smacking her till she bled. Debbie gave an evil smile as if she was watching an enemy being defeated.
“Have a heart, one day it will be you,” a voice in her right ear said.
“Don’t listen to it, she is your enemy, don’t forget!” a voice in her left ear.
She ignored the voice in the right ear and laughed villainously. Students looked at her, thinking she was acting weird. The guy was stopped by a teacher who was walking by and Debbie looked back irritated, she wanted to see that fancy girl in blood. She quickly rushed to some guys who stood near the soccer field and grabbed a wallet. She pushed him as if she didn’t see where she was going and his wallet was quickly snatched from his pocket into her bag.
“Sorry. I didn’t see where I am going,” she waved her hand and ran away.
“She is into you,” a voice said behind him, Brendan said.
Brian and Brendan were friends since they met at the college.
“She isn’t my type,” he said. “Where did I put my wallet?” Brian asked puzzled.
“Maybe you lost it,” his friend answered.
“Oh… It’s that girl,” he said, pointing.
“It’s not her, her parents are loaded, why would she steal?” he asked.
They looked at each other confused. Debbie smiled by the corner far away from the guys who stole from. There was a gold bracelet and some two hundred notes. She went to shop after her lessons.
Tell us: Do you think the guys will catch her?