Three months passed and Trey was the most caring lover ever in Amanda’s life. Love was floating on a fine wave, no storms or hurricanes. The love was growing deeper than the ocean. Nothing could tear it apart. They were now thinking of upgrading their relationship.

“Don’t you think it’s time we meet?” he asked her anxiously.

Amanda paused. She loved chatting via social media but she wasn’t ready to meet him. She had a bad feeling. Her mind was overworking and she felt something uneasy in her. She didn’t know where the feeling came from because she felt safer when he called and when they chatted.

“Ama…are you there?” he said more loudly.

She noticed he was impatient and she ignored it. She came back to the real world in a flash.

“I am here…When do you think we should meet?” She made sounds in her throat.

“When you want?” he asked.

“I will think about it,” she said. She wasn’t sure if that is what she wanted or if it was the right thing to do.

“Don’t you trust me?” he demanded.

She heard a thud but she ignored it .

“I trust you, Trey. What I meant is, I will think of the day when I’m free. Remember, I’m managing a business.” She spoke calmly but she was worried.

“It’s okay, I just can’t wait to see you, my love,” he said.

She could feel he wasn’t happy with her response. The tone of his voice showed anger and frustration. She wondered why she had cold feet after the way he loved her and what he had proven to her. He had all the qualities of a good man. She couldn’t understand her stomach turning every time she thought of meeting him. Amanda went to her office.

She and Charlotte had lunch together, sitting on the couch.

“Maybe you are worried for nothing,” Charlotte said.

“I don’t know.” That’s all Amanda could say as she gulped her juice and took a bite of her cheese sandwich.

“You know what?” Charlotte waved with a bitten sandwich in the air. “It’s your first time meeting him, this is why you feel like this,” she continued with food in her mouth.

Amanda knew that she was right; this time the fear vanished. She had pushed the bad feeling aside with Charlotte’s wise words. She wiped her hands with a tissue and grabbed her phone.

What do u think if I visit this weekend?

She behaved like a teenager waiting for a reply and Charlotte was smiling and gave her a thumbs up. In a minute, her eyes still on her phone, it rang.

“Baby, I’m excited, I can’t wait!” he exclaimed.

Amanda smiled at Charlotte who watched her like a hawk as she turned away.

“Me too,” she said shyly and Charlotte laughed.

“I will send you the money,” he volunteered.

“No, you can’t do that,” she jumped, thinking it was an insult. She nearly screamed when she felt a hand on her waist.

“Let him be,” Charlotte whispered. She had been eavesdropping on her conservation. Amanda chuckled and walked further away.

“I am a gentleman, I wouldn’t allow you to use your money, my love. Please accept my offer,” he said.

“OK,” Amanda said, biting her lip.

Later they celebrated her upcoming event at a bar. They bought a whole champagne bottle.

“You must tell me everything he has and what he is like in real life,” Charlotte ordered as she sipped some of the sweet champagne.

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!” Amanda countered.

“That is unfair,” slurred Charlotte, holding the table to keep her steady.

“Charlotte…Oh man, you’re already drunk,” Amanda said, checking the bottle.

“I had two tequilas when you went to the bathroom,” she laughed.

“Really? I don’t like this. You promised it was champagne only.” Amanda pointed her to her forehead.

“Don’t be a virgin of alcohol, babe,” Charlotte laughed.

Amanda dragged her to go home but she would pause then continue like a baby learning to walk.

“Eish, tomorrow you are working. I’m not taking you home. You have to sleep over.” She frowned while Charlotte leaned on her as they waited for a taxi. Amanda was angry but she knew her friend loved fun, except now she had to help out.


Tell us: Have you ever had to help out a really drunk friend?